December10: International Human Rights Day: A few words ।। Rabi Roy


Human Rights Day falls in the month of December. Every year December10 is observed as Human Rights Day throughout the world, including India. It is observed by right-based organizations, elected governments and above all by the United Nations. 

The motive behind the observance of the Day is to build up awareness among common people regarding their rights. Human rights cover all sorts of rights human beings need to secure their social as well as economic existence, including freedom of thoughts. Social and economic rights are an essential part of human rights. These include the right to work, the right to form associations, the right to social security, the right to an adequate standard of living, including food, clothing and shelter, the right to health and the right to education. Moreover, human rights aim at equality of all races, castes and creeds. Human rights are natural rights of a human being. Women’s rights as well as children’s rights are also considered as human rights.

The first modern exponent of human rights was John Locke who stressed on natural rights in Two Treaties of Governments (1688), followed by Immanuel Kant whose ideals of equality and moral autonomy originated from human reasoning, not the Divine Will. In the 18th century, the world witnessed two revolutionary movements, the American Independence Movement (1776) and the French Revolution (1789), inspired by the ideals of human rights to over through tyrannical regimes. Rousseau, the French ideologue, made us remember – “Man is born free and is everywhere in chains”. 

In the last century, after the Second World War, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights acknowledged the need to safeguard human rights world over. On December10, 1948, the UN General Assembly adopted and proclaimed this Declaration as a common goal, realizing them for all people, all nations and every individual and every group in society. “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity in rights”, it stated in Article1. The recognition of women’s rights as human rights became international law when the UN General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) in 1976. The Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted in 1989, laid down binding standards of protection covering every aspect of children’s human rights.


India adopted the essence of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. On the basis of the Directive Principles of State Policy, the union government enacted a number of Acts related to human rights, such as the Abolition of Untouchability Act, Suppression of Immoral Traffic Act and Dowry Prohibition Act. Moreover, to ensure human rights of minorities and weaker sections of the community it created some independent bodies. To protect the children of our nation, the Union Government enacted the Juvenile Justice Act (1986), the Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act (1986), the Parental Diagnostic Technique (Regulation, Prevention & Misuse) Act (1992), etc. Provisions against trafficking and abuse of children were included in various personal laws.

The 1990s had seen the enactment of human rights legislation in India. The National Commission for Women Act (1990) provided for a National Commission for Women. In 1992, the National Commission for Minorities Act was passed by the central legislature. The Protection of Human Rights Act (1993) provided for the constitution of a National Human Rights Commission, state human rights commission in individual states and a human rights court. And recently, a Bill has been passed empowering concerned ministry to constitute child rights panels in the center as well as in the states. 

In spite of all these rights being on paper and accepted at least in theory, there has been an apparent failure to enforce human rights. 

Violation of rights happens throughout the year. It happens in war fields as well as in home front. There are so many organizations functioning as watchdogs in national and international level, still violation graph is upward. It is a world phenomenon. In our country, India, even after formation of several Commissions, violation of rights of women and children in particular, is very common. Attacks on live hood of religious minorities and indigenous people is growing day by day in recent times. 

December 10, 2022

Brief History of Human Rights: Timeline

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