Chapter 2 Page 4 👦 GLIMPSES OF WORLD HISTORY ।। A Book of Brief Historical Accounts ।। Events: Year wise ।। Compiled & Edited by Rabi Roy

40,000–30,000 BC

40,000–35,000 BC: Cro Magnon (Modern Homo-sapiens)  appear in Europe, an early cultural center in the Swabian Alb, earliest figurative art (Venus of Schelklingen), beginning Aurignacian (relating to or denoting the early stages of the Upper Paleolithic culture in Europe and the Near East. It is dated in most places to about 34,000–29,000 years ago, and is associated with Cro-Magnon Man.)

35000 BC: Zar, Yataghyeri, Damjili, and Taghlar caves.

32000 BC: Europeans understand how to harden clay figures by firing them in an oven at high temperatures.

30000 BC: Invention of the bow and arrow.

Arrow and Bow History Timeline

30000 BC: End of the Mousterian Pluvial (relating to or characterized by rainfall) in North Africa

30000 BC–26000 BC: Lion-Human, from Hohlenstein-Stadel, Germany created. It is now in Ulmer Museum, Ulm, Germany.

30,000–20,000 BC➽

29,000–25,000 BC: Venus of Dolní Vìstonice. It is the oldest known ceramic in the world. The Red Lady of Paviland lived around 29-26,000 years ago, recent evidence has come to light that she was a tribal Chieftan.

28,000 BC: People start to live in Japan.

25,000 BC-17,000 BC: Wall painting with horses, rhinoceroses, and aurochs, Chauvet Cave, Vallon-Pont-d’Arc, Ardéche gorge, France, is made. Discovered in December 1994.

24000 BC: start of the 2nd Mousterian Pluvial in North Africa.

23000 BC: Venus of Petøkovice (Petøkovická venuše in Czech) from Petøkovice in Ostrava, Czech Republic, was made. It is now in Archeological Institute, Brno.

23000 BC: In The Seven Daughters of Eve, the ‘clan mother’ of Haplogroup X lives in the Caucasus Region of Southern Russia.

22000 BC: Neanderthals are believed to have become extinct in Europe.

22000 BC: Last Glacial Maximum: Venus of Brassempouy, Grotte du Pape, Brassempouy, Landes, France, was made. It is now at Musee des Antiquites Nationales, St.-Germain-en-Laye.

22000 BC–21000 BC: Venus of Willendorf, Austria, was made. It is now at Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna.

20000 BC: End of the 2nd Mousterian Pluvial in North Africa.

20,000–15,000 BC

18000 BC-15000 BC: Last glacial period. Mean Sea Levels are believed to be 110 to 120 meters (361 to 394 ft) lower than the present, with the direct implication that many coastal and lower riverine valley archaeological sites of interest are today under water.

18000 BC: In 'The Seven Daughters of Eve', the ‘clan mother’ of Haplogroup H lives in Southern France.
👉 Spotted Horses, Pech Merle cave, and Dordogne, France are painted. Discovered in December 1994.
16500 BC: Paintings in Cosquer cave, where the cave mouth is now under water at Cap Margiou, France was made.

18000 BC–11000 BC: Ibex-headed spear thrower, from Le Mas d’Azil, Ariege, France, is made. It is now at Musee de la Prehistoire, Le Mas d’Azil.

18000 BC–12000 BC: Mammoth-bone village in Mezhirich; Ukraine is inhabited.

17000 BC–15000 BC: Hall of Bulls, Lascaux caves, is painted. Discovered in 1940. 
👉 A Bird-Headed man with bison and Rhinoceros, Lascaux caves, is painted. 

17000 BC–15000 BC: Lamp with ibex design, from La Mouthe cave, Dordogne, France, is made. It is now at Musee des Antiquites Nationales, St.-Germain-en-Laye.

15000 BC-12000 BC: Pregnant woman and deer (?), from Laugerie-Basse, France was made. It is now at Musee des Antiquites Nationales, St.-Germain-en-Laye.

15000 BC: Bison, Le Tuc d’Audoubert, Ariege, France.
👉 In 'The Seven Daughters of Eve', the ‘clan mother of Haplogroup V lives in Northern Spain, while the ‘clan mother’ of Haplogroup T lives in the Tuscany region of Central Italy.

14000 BC: Paleo-Indians searched for the big game near what is now the Hovenweep National Monument.
👉 Bison, on the ceiling of a cave at Altamira, Spain, is painted. Discovered in 1879. Accepted as authentic in 1902.
👉 Domestication of Reindeer.
13000 BC: In The Seven Daughters of Eve, the ‘clan mother of Haplogroup K lives in the Veneto Region of Northern Italy.
👉 Beginning of the Holocene extinction event.
👉 The ice Age ends in Japan.

8000 BC: Invention of the wheel, most likely. 

👉 With the cultivation of grains in river valleys, the age of agriculture begins. 

👉 Wine and beer are produced.
7000 BC: Use of pottery.
6000 BC: Linen is made from the flax plant.
5300 BC: Romania Turda-Vinèa culture writes the Tãrtãria tablets.

in 5000 BC 

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