Chapter 1 Page 1 👦 GLIMPSES OF WORLD HISTORY ।। A Book of Brief Historical Accounts ।। Pre-history Events ।। Compiled & Edited by Rabi Roy

                             This work is dedicated to:
slaves, serfs, peasantry, craftsmen, workers 
and many others of toiling masses of different identities, 
discoverers and inventors 
whose names are never seen 
in the pages of history written so long, 
but each and every civilization is based on 
whose blood, sweat and labor 
and who are, in fact, the real engineers 
of all civilisations.


[Pre-history means literally “before history”, from the Latin word for “before,” præ, and Greek ιστορία.

c.  6,000,000,000:The estimated age of the Solar System (variously estimated as 4,700,000,000 to 6,500,000,000)

c.  3,000,000,000: Moon parted from Earth. Earth formed around 4.54 billion years ago, approximately one-third the age of the universe, by accretion from the solar nebula

c.  1,200,000,000: The lowest form of life appeared in the sea (algæ).

c.  570,000,000: Cambrian Age: trilobites and sponges in the sea.

c.  500,000,000: Ordovician Age, so-named by Lapworth (1879): considerable changes in positions of oceans; sea snails found; the climate was generally hot. 

c.  440,000,000: Silurian Age: vertebrate animals developed; large sea scorpions; first land plants (leafless) appeared.

c.  395,000,000: Devonian Age: active volcanoes formed mountains; osteichthyes[1], bony fishes existed; leafy land plants and trees developed; wingless creatures left the sea and came ashore; period of old red sandstone.

c.  340,000,000: Carboniferous Age: giant trees yielding our coal; development of amphibian reptiles; legs first appeared.

c.  275,000,000: Permian Age: rapid development of land life gradually dominating life in the sea but still mainly reptilian.

c.  225,000,000: Triassic Age: development of ichthyosaurus and crustacean ancestors; first evolution of the dinosaurs, two distinct orders (Saurischia and Ornithischia); originally these creatures were bipedal, but later often became quadrupedal. Winged insects and small mammals were in evidence; palm ferns appeared.

c.  195,000,000: Jurassic Age: a period of limestone formation; great increase in size of dinosaurs---principal age of the great reptiles; first bird, archaeopteryx having teeth and reptilian characteristics; ammonites in the sea.

c.  140,000,000: Australia severed from land-mass Asia: cause of continued existence of primitive animal life on the continent.

What Is A Continent?

c.  136,000,000: Cretaceous Age: chalk foundations laid; great areas of swamp bordered the seas; terrible and fantastic lizards developed, including pterodactyls; earliest beginnings of warm-blooded mammals.

c.  65,000,000: Eocene Age: the disappearance of dinosaurs and marine reptiles; rapid development of mammals; early on, dinotherium, mastodon and saber-toothed tiger.

 c. 225,000,000     First evolution of the dinosaurs

 c.   65,000,000     Disappearance of dinosaurs


Q. When does man first find out about dinosaurs?

A. No human being has ever met a dinosaur alive. Dinosaurs were animals that inhabited most parts of the world, but they died everywhere about 6,500,000 years ago. Dinosaurs were extinct when humans came into the world.

Dinosaurs are known to us because of their remains. These are bones, found in skeletons or separately; footprints in the rock; skin-prints, also in the rock; and eggs.

There is some doubt as to when the first recognizable dinosaur bones were discovered. Footprints have been known for many years. A dinosaur skeleton may have been seen at Haddonfield, New Jersey, toward the end of the 1770s. 

The first bones that are still available for examination and identification are some that were discovered in England. One set was found in 1822 and is now in the British Museum of Natural History in London. 

Another set of dinosaur bones found about the same time was the basis for the first scientific description of any dinosaur. This was done in 1824 by a professor at Oxford University.

So it appears that human knowledge of dinosaurs is quite recent. 

Dinosaur specimens have been found in great numbers in the United States, Canada, Argentina, Brazil, India, Africa, Australia, Mongolia, China, France, Germany, Portugal and the Soviet Union (which no longer exists in the 20th century). This indicates that dinosaurs really lived all over the world. - 16/11/2022


c.  38,000,000: Oligocene Age: extension of land masses; monkeys and apes existed.

What’s the Difference Between Monkeys and Apes?

Monkeys and apes are both primates, which means they’re both parts of the human family tree. As distinguished relatives, we should probably be able to tell them apart. But when you look at a gibbon or a marmoset, how do you know which is a monkey and which is an ape?

The quickest way to tell the difference between a monkey and an ape is by the presence or absence of a tail. Almost all monkeys have tails; apes do not. Their bodies are different in other ways too: monkeys are generally smaller and narrow-chested, while apes are larger and have broad chests and shoulder joints that allow them to swing through trees (while some monkeys also have this ability, most of them are built for running across branches rather than swinging). Although you can’t recognize this difference on sight, apes have an appendix and monkeys do not. Apes are generally more intelligent than monkeys, and most species of apes exhibit some use of tools. While both monkeys and apes can use sounds and gestures to communicate, apes have demonstrated higher ability with language, and some individual apes have been trained to learn human sign languages.

However, perhaps the best way to remember, like with so many things, is rote memorization. There are only a handful of ape species, while there are hundreds of species of monkeys. If the primate you’re trying to place is not a humangibbonchimpanzeebonoboorangutan, or gorilla (or a lemurloris, or tarsier), then it’s a monkey.


c.  26,000,000: Miocene Age: the appearance of primitive anthropoid ape (proconsul); many forms of waterfowl; great sharks in the sea.
The estimated age of the Himalayas.

c.  7,000,000: Pliocene Age: present forms of continent developed; anthropoid apes flourished.

c.  2,000,000: Pleistocene Age: a period of recurrent ice ages which had a profound effect on planet life; Australopithecus and Homohabilis, which may have developed into man, existed; colitis of this period may or may not be of artificial construction; insects probably existed.  

c.  500,000: Man-like creatures (Pithecanthropus) used primitive stone implements; fire came into use; the emergence of the Palaeolithic Age.


The major source of information: ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF DATES AND EVENTS
Edited by L. C. Pascoe
Compiler Rabi Roy is grateful to his friend Swapan Chakraborty, a footpath book-seller of Kolkata, India as well as a thinker, for this part of the book.

[1] Osteichthyes, popularly referred to as the bony fish, is a diverse taxonomic group of fish that have skeletons primarily composed of bone tissue. They can be contrasted with the Chondrichthyes, which have skeletons primarily composed of cartilage. The vast majority of fish are members of Osteichthyes, which is an extremely diverse and abundant group consisting of 45 orders, over 435 families, and 28,000 species. It is the largest class of vertebrates in existence today. The group Osteichthyes is divided into ray-finned fish (Actinopterygii) and lobe-finned fish (Sarcopterygii). The oldest known fossils of bony fish are about 425 million years old, which are also transitional fossils, showing a tooth pattern that is in between the tooth rows of sharks and bony fishes. Osteichthyes can be compared to Euteleostomi. In paleontology the terms are synonymous. In ichthyology, the difference is that Euteleostomi presents a cladistic view which includes the terrestrial tetrapods that evolved from lobe-finned fish. Until recently, the view of most ichthyologists has been that Osteichthyes were paraphyletic and included only fishes. However, since 2013 widely cited ichthyology papers have been published with phylogenetic trees that treat the Osteichthyes as a clade including

It is an event today, 
the same will be news tomorrow 
and again, the same will be the history the day after tomorrow.
-Rabi Roy

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Historical Events: Yearwise

500,000: The Peking Man Site, excavations in the early revealed evidence of human habitation from 500,000 to perhaps 680,000 years ago. The cave was excavated from 1927-37 yielding 200 human fossils (from 40 individuals) Homo erectus, more than 10,000 pieces of stoneware, several cinder layers indicating fire use in early man, as well as animal fossils from 200 separate species.

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SLAVERY: The arrival of Africans in the New World ।। A PART OF THE HISTORY OF GLOBAL SLAVERY

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